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Blog - Studies

Proximal Biceps in Overhead Athletes

The proximal long head of the biceps tendon and its attachment at the superior glenoid tubercle and labrum are subject to a spectrum of disorders in overhead athletes. Biceps disorders are commonly characterized by intermittent anterior or deep-seated shoulder...read more


How Can We Improve Outcomes Assessment?

The evolution of evidence-based medical practice is heavily dependent on outcomes assessment. From a personal perspective, without accurate and reliable outcomes assessments, it is difficult for individual orthopedic surgeons to evaluate the effects of their interventions and, more specifically,...read more


The Champagne Toast Position Isolates the Supraspinatus Better Than the Jobe Test: An Electromyographic Study of Shoulder Physical Examination Tests

BACKGROUND: While Jobe’s test is widely used, it does not isolate supraspinatus activity. Our purpose was to examine the electromyographic (EMG) activity within the supraspinatus and deltoid with resisted abduction to determine the shoulder position that best isolates the...read more


Clinical Outcomes Following Revision Anterior Shoulder Arthroscopic Capsulolabral Stabilization

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Comparing Clinical Outcomes After Concurrent Rotator Cuff Repair and Long Head Biceps Tenodesis or Tenotomy

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Effect of Highly Purified Capsaicin on Articular Cartilage and Rotator Cuff Tendon Healing: An In Vivo Rabbit Study

Highly purified capsaicin has emerged as a promising injectable compound capable of providing sustained pain relief following a single localized treatment during orthopedic surgical procedures. To further assess its reliability for clinical use, the potential effect of highly purified...read more

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