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Blog - Studies

The Effect of Highly Purified Capsaicin on Articular Cartilage and Rotator Cuff Tendon Healing: An In Vivo Rabbit Study

Highly purified capsaicin has emerged as a promising injectable compound capable of providing sustained pain relief following a single localized treatment during orthopedic surgical procedures. To further assess its reliability for clinical use, the potential effect of highly purified...read more


Assessment of Glenoid Chondral Healing: Comparison of Microfracture to Autologous Matrix Induced Chondrogenesis in a Novel Rabbit Shoulder Model

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Combined SLAP Repair and Biceps Tenodesis for Superior Labral Anterior-Posterior Tears

Purpose Long-head biceps tenodesis has been suggested as an alternative to superior labral anterior-posterior (SLAP) repair. However, an unrepaired superior labral tear may increase glenohumeral translation, and thus, labral repair may be considered in the setting of biceps tenodesis....read more


Outcomes Assessment in Rotator Cuff Pathology: What Are We Measuring?

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Suture Technique Influences the Biomechanical Integrity of Pectoralis Major Repairs

Pectoralis major ruptures occur in large, muscular individuals, and repair constructs may experience significant tension. Four different suture techniques were evaluated biomechanically to determine the effect of suture technique on optimizing fixation strength. Forty fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders were repaired...read more


Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction: Anatomy, Indications, Techniques, and Outcomes

Context Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) injuries lead to pain and loss of performance in the thrower’s elbow. Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction (UCLR) is a reliable treatment option for the symptomatic, deficient UCL. Injury to the UCL usually occurs because...read more

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